S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 | A prospective study on growth pattern and effect of serum ferritin, haemoglobin levels on physical growth inthalassemic childern Dr. Bushra Nasreen Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 01-06 |
2 | Study on incidence and clinical profile in dengue fever-in tertiary health care center Dr. Bushra Nasreen Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 07-12 |
3 | Correlation of glycemic control in newborn at birth in relation to maternal glycemic control: A prospective clinical study Dr. Nabnita Patnaik, Dr. Chapay Soren, Dr. RL Tejaswi Tirumala, Dr. C Venkatrami Reddy and Dr. Ranjith Kumar C Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 13-15 |
4 | The normal range of separation time of the umbilical cord in Iraqi Newborn Khalid M Abdul-Wahid and Adil K Zghair Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 16-18 |
5 | COVID-19 and elderly: growing incidence of depression among infected geriatric population during COVID-19 pandemic Avir Sarkar and Anup K Sarkar Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 19-20 |
6 | Respiratory severity score and pediatric respiratory severity score criteria in grading and management of pediatric acute respiratory illness Milind B Kamble and Rajesh Kumar Singh Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 21-26 |
7 | Impact of Covid-19 lock down period on ocular trauma in pediatric population Dr. Mehul Shah, Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Heena Patel and Dr. Ronaq Khanna Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 27-29 |
8 | A study on anthropometric profile of new born babies at a tertiary care hospital Dr. Narendra KS and Dr. Madhu GN Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 30-32 |
9 | Relationship of crown heel length, head circumference and chest circumference of newborn with gestational age Dr. Narendra KS and Dr. Madhu GN Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 33-37 |
10 | Association between thyroid profile and serum bilirubin levels in term neonates on day 3 of life Dr. Hitender, Dr. Kiran and Dr. Himanshu Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 38-40 |
11 | To study of age at commencement, kind, and mode of supplemental feeding in urban and rural 6-12-month-olds Vinod Kumar Kurmana and Spandana Gunturu Int. J. Paediatrics Geriatrics, 2020; 3(2): 41-44 |