International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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2020, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A

Association between thyroid profile and serum bilirubin levels in term neonates on day 3 of life
Dr. Hitender, Dr. Kiran and Dr. Himanshu
Background: The present study was conducted to correlate thyroid profile and serum bilirubin levels assessed in term neonates on day 3 of life. Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted on146 neonate’s ≥37 weeks of gestational age of both genders. Birth weight, gestational age, thyroid profile (T3, T4, TSH), serum bilirubin level (SBR) was calculated. Results: The mean gestational age was 272.4 days, birth weight was 2.8 Kgs, total bilirubin was 11.35 mg/dl, direct bilirubin was 0.46 mg/dl, fT3 level was 8.24 pg/ml, fT4 was 2.18 ng/dl and TSH was 4.08 mlU/ml. Normal expected neonates had normal T3, T4, TSH, TSB and direct Bilirubin level whereas 4 neonates had T3 level that ranged from 94- 109, T4 from 5.8- 8.2, TSH from 11.2- 13.94, TSB from 10.2- 16.2 and direct bilirubin from 0.31- 0.54. Conclusion: Authors found no significant association between serum TSH and SBRT in term neonates.
Pages: 38-40 | Views: 1783 | Downloads: 889

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics
How to cite this article:
Dr. Hitender, Dr. Kiran, Dr. Himanshu. Association between thyroid profile and serum bilirubin levels in term neonates on day 3 of life. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2020;3(2):38-40. DOI: 10.33545/26643685.2020.v3.i2a.89
International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics