International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A

Clinical profile of neonates subjected for phototherapy
Dr. Girija G, Dr. Rachan Reddy K and Dr. Ravichander B
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a reflection of liver‟s immature excretory pathway for bilirubin and is the most common reason for readmission of neonates in first week of life in current era of postnatal discharge from hospital. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a cause of concern for the parents as well as for the pediatricians. Hyperbilirubinemia was found to be the most common morbidity. Neonates due for phototherapy were evaluated and samples were collected. Total serum bilirubin, Electrolytes and haematological parameters were checked at 0 hours (before starting phototherapy) 24hours and at 48 hours of phototherapy, daily weight checking and duration of phototherapy was noted by the researcher. In Continuous Phototherapy group, 66% were delivered by Normal vaginal delivery and 34% were delivered by LSCS and in intermittent Phototherapy group, 70% were delivered by Normal vaginal delivery and 30% were delivered by LSCS.
Pages: 15-17 | Views: 1504 | Downloads: 715

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics
How to cite this article:
Dr. Girija G, Dr. Rachan Reddy K, Dr. Ravichander B. Clinical profile of neonates subjected for phototherapy. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2021;4(1):15-17. DOI: 10.33545/26643685.2021.v4.i1a.118
International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics