2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A
Evaluation of the neonates on arrival with regards to transport associated morbidity by validating two scales: TOPS and TRIPS scores
Dr. Rachan Reddy K, Dr. Girija G and Dr. Ravichander B
The common causes of neonatal deaths in India include infections, birth asphyxia, pneumonia and prematurity which contribute to 4, 2.2, 4.2, per 1000 live births respectively in 2015 .Though institutional delivery and in-utero transport of new born is safest but unfortunately preterm delivery and perinatal illness cannot be always anticipated resulting in continued need of transfer of these babies after delivery.Antenatal details –including immunization, checkups and other antenatal risk factors like pregnancy induced hypertension, GDM, UTI, PROM etc. Natal and post natal history including mode of delivery, liquor quality and resuscitation details were recorded as per referral slip and sometimes told by mother if referral slip not available. Active resuscitation meaning neonates requiring bag and mask ventilation and or chest compression and or intubation. The TRIPS score and TOPS score did not show any statistical difference in relation to mode of transportation. However the rates in both the scores were increasing with poor transporting system.
Pages: 07-10 | Views: 1415 | Downloads: 736
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rachan Reddy K, Dr. Girija G, Dr. Ravichander B. Evaluation of the neonates on arrival with regards to transport associated morbidity by validating two scales: TOPS and TRIPS scores. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2021;4(1):07-10. DOI: