International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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2020, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part C

Assessment of role of Ultrasound in diagnosis of pneumonia in children
Dr. Mohit Poddar and Dr. Neha Agrawal
Background: The present study was conducted for assessing the role of ultrasound in diagnosis of pneumonia in children.
Materials and Methods: A total of 50 children within the age range of 5 years to 15 years were included in the present study. Written consent was obtained from the parents/guardians of all the patients after explaining in detail the entire research protocol. Only those subjects were included in the present study in which clinical signs and symptoms were suggestive of pneumonia. Radiographic examination was carried out in all the patients. Detailed demographic and clinical history of all the patients was also recorded. Ultrasound was done in all the patients.
Results: After doing chest radiographic analysis, it was seen that pneumonia was confirmed in 82 percent of the cases. On ultrasonographic assessment, it was seen that pneumonia was confirmed in 92 percent of the cases. In five patients, with negative chest radiographic findings and positive ultrasound findings, diagnosis was confirmed by chest radiographic.
Conclusion: Chest ultrasound is a reliable tool for the diagnosis of pneumonia, probably being superior to chest radiography

Pages: 174-176 | Views: 934 | Downloads: 408

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mohit Poddar, Dr. Neha Agrawal. Assessment of role of Ultrasound in diagnosis of pneumonia in children. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2020;3(2):174-176. DOI: 10.33545/26643685.2022.v5.i2a.180
International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics