International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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2020, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part B

Optimal nutrition in gastrointestinal distress among infants aged 6-8 weeks: An observational study in India
Muralidhar Reddy K and Tatam Naidu N
The ambiguity among the gastrointestinal (GI) disease symptoms and aetiology in apparently healthy, well-fed term infants make the diagnosis and interventions of GI disease challenging. We assessed if there was a difference in the GI tolerance of lactose predominant formula-fed and human-milk fed infants. The study divided mother and infant (68 weeks of age) pairs into predominantly breastfeeding (BF) and predominantly infant formula (IF) feeding groups. The Infant Gastrointestinal Symptom Questionnaire (IGSQ-13) index score and symptom-wise (stooling, spitting/vomiting, crying, fussiness, and flatulence) analysis showed no statistically significant difference between the study groups. The role of optimal nutrition which is closer to breastmilk in providing gut comfort has been elicited by this study. 100% lactose-based formula can be considered as a promising alternative to the management of infants with GI distress, however, IF should always be considered as a substitute and not a replacement to breastmilk.
Pages: 87-93 | Views: 2332 | Downloads: 1203

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics
How to cite this article:
Muralidhar Reddy K, Tatam Naidu N. Optimal nutrition in gastrointestinal distress among infants aged 6-8 weeks: An observational study in India. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2020;3(1):87-93. DOI: 10.33545/26643685.2020.v3.i1b.65
International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics

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International Journal of Paediatrics and Geriatrics