2020, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part B
Foot length measurement: As a simple screening method to identify preterm newborns in community
Dr. Anuja Rajoriya, Dr. Amita Tyagi, Dr. Anand Aggarwal and Dr. Surender Singh Bisht
Objectives: To find correlation between foot length and gestational age (GA) and to derive cut off value of foot length to identify preterm neonates. Design: Present study is observational, cross sectional study. Setting: Hospital based study, conducted in Swami Dayanand hospital, Delhi over a period of eight months (September 2017-May 2018). Participants: Total of 400 neonates aged 0 to 48 hours of life delivered in hospital. Inclusion criteria: All live neonates born in SDN hospital during study period, whose GA estimate was available by last menstrual period (LMP). Exclusion criteria: (1) Neonates with congenital anomalies, (2) Newborn whose mothers LMP was not reliable, (3) Difference between GA by LMP and New Ballard score was more than 2 weeks. GA was estimated by LMP and New Ballard score. LMP was considered as gold standard. Selection procedure: Convenience sample. Outcome measures: Correlation between foot length and gestational age. Results: A statistically significant positive correlation (r=0.759, p <0.0001) was observed between GA and foot length of newborns. Foot length cut off value for preterm babies of <37 week was observed to be 7.3 cm with a sensitivity and specificity of 83.53% and 87.94% respectively. For babies <34 week, foot length cut off was 7.1 cm, with a sensitivity and specificity of 95.83%, and 88.30% respectively. A simple regression equation for estimation of GA was derived using foot length; GA=13.10+3.33*FL. Conclusion: Foot length can be used as a simpler method to identify preterm in resource limited areas for their timely referral and management.
Pages: 69-72 | Views: 2391 | Downloads: 1240
How to cite this article:
Dr. Anuja Rajoriya, Dr. Amita Tyagi, Dr. Anand Aggarwal, Dr. Surender Singh Bisht. Foot length measurement: As a simple screening method to identify preterm newborns in community. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2020;3(1):69-72. DOI: