2019, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A
Pattern of admission and factors contributing to neonatal mortality: A small retrospective hospital based study
Dr. Richa Sharma, Dr. Pratima Thakur and Dr. MA Basit
The neonatal period is a difficult time for a childs survival. In India, neonatal mortality is high, and the pattern of reduction is very less as compared to infant and child mortality. The magnitude and associated factors of neonatal mortality in a tertiary care centres are also not well documented. Therefore, the aim of this study is to see the pattern of admission, neonatal mortality and its causes. Among the neonates admitted in neonatal intensive care unit of SLBSGMC and hospital.
Pages: 39-41 | Views: 2472 | Downloads: 1380
How to cite this article:
Dr. Richa Sharma, Dr. Pratima Thakur, Dr. MA Basit. Pattern of admission and factors contributing to neonatal mortality: A small retrospective hospital based study. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2019;2(2):39-41. DOI: