2019, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A
Prescription pattern of antibiotics in neonatal in intensive care unit
Jai Krishan and Anil Poonia
Introduction: Neonatal infection is the major cause of morbidity and mortality. 38% of children and infants were mostly susceptible to cause infective disease due to improper development of the immune system. For the treatment of infectious diseases in neonates and infants, antibiotics are most widely used. According to WHO formulation for children 2010 helps the physician to prescribe specific antibiotics to particular infections. The most important problem for prescribing antibiotics to infected children is that bacteria causing infection to neonate develops resistance against most of the antibiotics as well as such antibiotics may cause adverse drug reaction and drug interaction, but antibiotics are the only choice to prevent infectious disease in neonates. The aim of the study is to observe and analyze the suitable prescription pattern of antibiotics in neonates.Aim: To study the prescription pattern of antibiotics in Neonatal patients. Materials and Methods: The present study is a Prospective, observational, open Label, descriptive clinical conducted on 284 neonates over a period of one year. According to WHO ATC classification system 2013, antibiotics had been prescribed to the neonatal in NICU. Results: Total of 284 neonates were selected in the study among them 190 were term and 94 were pretermed neonate. Among 190 termed neonate 136 were male and 54 were female (p< 0.124) were as in 94 pretermed neonate 68 were male and 26 were female (p< 0.104). as per this majority of death were observed in pretermed neonates 25.53% and 5.26% were from term neonates were as total death observed was 32 neonates. Some infections was noted in neonate, Neonatal Jaundice 132 (46.47%) followed by Pneumonia 94 (33.08%), Neonatal sepsis 12 (4.22 %), Prenatal asphyxias 14 (4.92 %) & Abdominal infections 32 (11.26%). Total of 284 infectious were observed in NICU admitted neonates. Amikacin 36 (16.43%), Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid 42 (19.17%), Pipercicillin 30 (13.69 %), Fluconazole 26 (11.87%), Merapenem 22 (10.04%), Metronidazole 18 (8.21%), Levofloxacin 10 (4.56%), Gentamycin 16 (7.30%), Colistin 12 (5.47 %) and Cefotaxime sulbactam 05 (2.28%). Conclusion: as per this study death of the neonates has been observe in premature neonates. Majority of the neonate were male in preterm and term neonates. Neonatal jaundice and Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid was prescribed mostly in neonates admitted in NICU.
Pages: 45-48 | Views: 924 | Downloads: 433
How to cite this article:
Jai Krishan, Anil Poonia. Prescription pattern of antibiotics in neonatal in intensive care unit. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2019;2(1):45-48. DOI: