2018, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A
A study of splenectomy in beta-thalassemia patients and its effects
Dr. Oniell Fernandes
Thalassaemia is a genetic disorder of the haemoglobin protein in red blood cells. It has been historically classified into thalassaemia minor, intermedia and major, depending on the genetic defect and severity of the disease. The clinical presentation of βâ€thalassaemia varies widely from a mild asymptomatic form in thalassaemia minor, to a severe disease in thalassaemia major where individuals are dependant on lifeâ€long blood transfusions. The hallmark of thalassaemia syndromes is the production of defective red blood cells that are removed by the spleen resulting in an enlarged hyperfunctioning spleen (splenomegaly). Removal of the spleen may thus prolong red blood cell survival by reducing the amount of red blood cells removed from circulation and may ultimately result in the reduced need for blood transfusions.
Pages: 32-35 | Views: 791 | Downloads: 372
How to cite this article:
Dr. Oniell Fernandes. A study of splenectomy in beta-thalassemia patients and its effects. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2018;1(2):32-35. DOI: