2018, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A
Assessment of height and weight pattern in children age ranged 6-12 years of age
Dr. Karthik Aggarwal
Background: Malnutrition on the other hand causes a lot of morbidities, growth faltering, developmental retardation and significant mortality. The present study was conducted to assess fat pattern in children. Materials & Methods: The present study was conducted on 560 children of age ranged 6-12 years of both genders. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed which included some baseline information of the parents and the children in regard to nutrition. Height was measured in cm and weight was recorded in kg. BMI was recorded as weight/ height2. Results: Out of 560, males were 300 and females were 260. BMI at age 6 was 14.20, at 7 was 14.32 m at 8 was 14.56, at 9 was 15.98, at 10 was 16.28, at 11 was 17.47 and at 12 was 18.93. The difference of BMI between different age group was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Authors found that with advancing age, there was increase in BMI of children.
Pages: 11-13 | Views: 2029 | Downloads: 1021
How to cite this article:
Dr. Karthik Aggarwal. Assessment of height and weight pattern in children age ranged 6-12 years of age. Int J Paediatrics Geriatrics 2018;1(1):11-13. DOI: